Monday, July 21, 2008

Last Day!

This saturday was my last day. The whole week went by really fast. We roofed a house. I got to take a ride in our best volunteer's Corvette when he took us to lunch. And on that last day, there were two dedications. The second one was for the Belarussian guy with 7 kids, I don't know if I've mentioned him yet. His youngest son has cerebral palsy, and his wife left because she didn't want to take care of the son.
And he is the most appreciative homeowner of them all. So anyways, he had a lot of family members at the ceremony, and a lot of good food! It was a good end to the experience.

Yesterday, the other construction assistants, Justin, and I had a celebratory bbq together. D gave us little books about friendship. Our favorite memories mostly involved D getting yelled at (these were D's favorite too), or D having an upset stomach and no toilet paper in the portapotty after some volunteers brought bad Togo's. My favorites were with B, the "logistics supervisor," who was really just in charge of getting stuff from Home Depot and collecting trash from the sites. He had a lot of good war stories and silly jokes.

Thank you everyone for reading!


Jeans Pants said...

Does this mean you wont be blogging anymore? I'll miss reading

mtmomma said...

Congrats Suz. Now it's on to Portland and more adventures. I too hope you will keep writing about what happens next!