Friday, April 18, 2008

At the same house today. We got our framing package delivered. The flatbed comes with it, and it's on big pipes, and the truck takes off really quick, and the wood is hanging in the air for a millisecond, and then slams on the ground. We also got 20 yards of gravel delivered, and had to shovel that around. Did more "detail" on the floorplan, before all the volunteers arrive tomorrow.
There's supposed to be about 60. It's funny how everyone shows up on the day that we put up all the walls.
I relearned about king studs, and cripples (jack studs), how to mark them. Still a lot of fun.


mtmomma said...

You rock Habitat Woman! I hope the 60 volunteers didn't drive you crazy. Have a great weekend.

Jeans Pants said...

Shoveling rocks?!!! How do you do it? You work your butt off all day and come home and act like you didn't. You are a superwoman