Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Slow start

It's unfortunate that a lot of mornings, we get to a site, but end up sitting in our cars for twenty minutes. I'm still not sure why this is. This morning, my site supervisor was getting some mixed messages about what we were supposed to be doing.

He mentioned later that he had updated his resume, and that "it might be time." Everyone really dislikes our current boss. I guess it's good for me that I didn't experience the last (good) one, so I can't tell the difference.

Anyways, today I watched how to install a door. It involved lots of leveling and shims.
I put up some exterior trim. And I learned how to put a "thread" on a lead pipe, the kind you use for gas lines. This was hard work! You have to manually do with with a vice grip.
I'm a bit sore, so no run today. But it feels good to work hard.

Also, I changed my settings to allow anyone to comment, not just google blog members. Thank you, Danny, for reading!

1 comment:

Jeans Pants said...

You deserve a day off from running. You work very hard as it is...even thought you wish you got to work harder